I+ Lab Intelligent Interaction Lab

Research Statement

The ever accelerating process of urbanization enables modern people to live conveniently in a fully-connected world, urging for rich and real-time physiological and psychological healthcare services. To this end, Intelligent Interaction (I+) lab aims to integrate promising tools from diversified fields like Signal Processing (SP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Hardware Design (HD) to develop innovative technologies and systems for smart ambient sensing and context understanding with a focus on pervasive computing and affective computing.



实验室一篇关于自动驾驶接管安全的论文被 Research 录用

实验室一篇关于自动驾驶接管安全的论文《ViE-Take: A Vision-Driven Multi-Modal Dataset for Exploring the Emotional Landscape in Takeover Safety of Autonomous Driving》被SCI一区期刊《Research》录用。《Research》作为Science Partner Journal之一,以发表高质量多学科研究闻名。



实验室一篇关于面部表情识别的论文被IEEE TCSVT期刊录用
实验室一篇关于面部表情识别的论文被IEEE TCSVT期刊录用

实验室一篇关于面部表情识别的论文《Co-dance with Ambiguity: An Ambiguity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Framework for More Robustness》被国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) 正式录用。论文针对表情识别中的模糊问题,提出了模糊感知框架,有效提升了识别的鲁棒性。


实验室一篇关于交通流量预测的论文被AAAI 2025会议录用
实验室一篇关于交通流量预测的论文被AAAI 2025会议录用

实验室一篇关于交通流量预测的论文《SSL-STMFormer Self-Supervised Learning Spatio-Temporal Entanglement Transformer for Traffic Flow Prediction》被国际顶级会议AAAI 2025录用。今年AAAI共收到12,957篇投稿,录用率为23.4%。

任福继院士团队谷雨研究员荣获2024年度IEEE SMC学会最佳汇刊论文奖
任福继院士团队谷雨研究员荣获2024年度IEEE SMC学会最佳汇刊论文奖

10月6日至10日,在马来西亚举办的IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society年会(IEEE SMC 2024)国际会议上,电子科技大学计算机(网安)学院任福继院士团队的谷雨研究员在国际期刊IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems上发表的论文《WiGRUNT: WiFi-Enabled Gesture Recognition Using Dual-Attention Network》获2024年度Andrew P. Sage最佳汇刊论文奖(IEEE Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award)。该奖由IEEE SMC学会设立,自1998年以来每年评选一次,授予前一周期年在IEEE SMC学会会刊所发表的论文中最具有原创性理论与技术和重要影响力的学术论文。